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Hey, I'm trying to purchase your game, but it keeps getting processing error and I accidently did three times still in process from paypal. Can you help me?

Hello! Sorry about the delay!

I solved all paypal payments problems, its showing it to you? Thanks for buying the game! It really helps me! 


Yes everything is resovled! Domo domo for your game!! 

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See my updates in bluesky and twiiter!



very good

Thanks a lot!


Great art, love the intro. player sprite disappeared in the first room. Sort out the bug and I look forward to playing again!


Thanks! Im gald you liked it! That a new bug! Thanks for reporting it!


looks cool but for now it too ez


Gonna fix that for you. Rest assured. 



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hey um i accidently dashed into a crate and it sent my flying into the abyss idk what to do. Edit I restarted and used dash again and I flew further into the abyss.

Thanks for telling me! I didnt know it could bug with you dashing into a crate. Do you remember where it happened? Have a great day!

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It happened at multiple different areas actually, not one specifically..

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Once you fully complete this, do you have any plans for a physical release or do you think you'll be doing digital-only? Asking because I absolutely loved the DEMO and would happily buy a physical version of the game if one was ever made available.


Thanks a lot for you comment! Im really glad you liked it so much!

Lightseeker will have a physical release this year by bitmapsoft! Cheers!


Hi! Your game looks amazing, the graphics are beautiful! Unfortunately, I just bought it but received an error message! However, my PayPal account has been debited correctly. I've reached out to but wanted to inform you as well!

Hello! I received you message in twiiter and anwered you there! Thanks a lot and have a great weekend!

(1 edit) (-1)

Yes, I saw ! Thanks for responding. I actually deleted my message on Twitter because in the conversation you mentioned my name and for various reasons I prefer to keep my account anonymous on Twitter. Could you also please delete your response on Twitter (where you mention my name)? I also noticed that a link to download had arrived in "my purchases" page on itch. However it seems to be the demo. Is there a full version of this great adventure game available or just this demo? Best regards!

Deleted! I'm sorry, it took me some time to see this comment! There will be a full version this year, im still working on that! ;)


Great news! I love this game! Graphics are amazing for a GB game!! Can’t wait!! 👍


Oh my gosh this is such a beautiful looking game! Love the art work!

Thank you my friend!


Wow, looks great!
This can certainly grow to a fantastic concept.


Thanks! Im really glad you liked it!


First of all, this is beautiful. Story-wise, I really like the direction this is going in (I assume there's more coming), it reminded me of Infernax. Really great job!

Thank you! Theres a lot coming! New classes, weapons, enemies, levels and bosses!

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Is there only 1 level in the game? and after killing the knights, the player becomes king and that's the end of it?

For now theres only one level since this was made in a short period of time for gbcompo 2023, but Im working full time to create more levels for Lightseeker!


Glorious! The tone of the game really got me. Fun and immersive. Great job! Great game! Test it out in original hardware as soon as possible. Will update!

Thank you so much! This means a lot to me, Im really glad that you liked it!


You did a great job on the shading and coloring


Thanks Max! This means a lot coming from you! It was really hard to create the color pallete!


Pretty cool! I teach pixel art on youtube if you care. YouTube:

Thanks my friend! I already know your channel!




I loved the graphics and atmosphere, this game looks better than most of what the GBC had to offer. The gameplay was fun, but it felt like sometimes hits would not register and I got hit instead.

Definitely a top entry, though.


Thanks for the feedback, Im glad you liked it! I was able to fix all the bugs and eliminate all the lag! Im sure the combat is way more fluid now!


Loved the overall feeling and atmosphere, the setting fits with the main mechanic. Personally I'd polish the movement a bit more, the speed at which the main character moves makes the game feel a bit jank at times. I also encountered some bugs where rats would spawn out of bounds. 

Despite its flaws, amazing job and gorgeous visuals! Keep it up! 

Thanks for the feedback! I already took care of all the bugs and eliminated all the lag of the game!


cool look



Super gorgeous!

Thank you!


This is such a polished game! I really enjoyed what I played, the dungeons are tough! The graphics are amazing and I like how expansive the world feels, for something so small.

I managed to get some armour upgrades and got to the Mass but then I died and it was hard to get back to the Mass again. Finding rations are hard!

Overall, a fun game!

A few things I wish:
Fight or move a little faster. There were times I thought I avoided the archer's arrow, but it seems like I didn't.

When I kill creatures, there seem to be no rewards.

And finally, the guy at the beginning who talks about getting the sickness after getting bit by a rat - perhaps you could program him to walk from point to point a little faster? My guy walked himself into a corner and blocked the door, he took forever to walk away and there was no other way for me to get out.


Thank you my friend! 

Each enemy gives you 1 ration, or, depending on the enemy 3! You can check that in the MENU by clicking START. The idea is exactly dying and using them to buy stronger weapons and adventure again! The game gets a lot easier once you get stronger!

Thanks for the suggestions! I will make the character and that NPC move a little faster!


the artwork is amazing


Thank you! I'm glad you liked it!